T h e M u s e ' s N e w s - Nov 2005
~~ T h e M u s e ' s N e w s ~~
An E-zine For And About Songwriters.
Issue 8.8 November 2005
I n T h i s I s s u e :
@-- Editor's Musings
@-- Music Reviews - by Gian Fiero, Francesco Emmanuel, JJ Biener,
Brett Thompson, Chip Withrow & Kevin Zarnett
@-- New Artist Spotlight Additions
@-- Songwriting Book Review - by James Linderman
@-- Musical Notes - Songwriting Contests & Market Info.
@-- Muse's Clues - Songwriting Web sites that inspire - brought
to you by singer/songwriter & teacher, Irene Jackson.
@-- Featured Article - SOUNDS GOOD TO ME: Eliminate Throat
Tension by Donna Flynn
@-- On Site Featured Article - An article already online for your
viewing pleasure.
@-- Classifieds & Useful Services
@-- Contact information
ISSN 1480-6975. Copyright 1998-2005 - Jodi Krangle.
For more contact information, see end of issue.
See http://www.cafepress.com/musesmuse for details. :)
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
(Many thanks to the sponsors that help support this newsletter!)
IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards) DEADLINE APPROACHING
Enter the 2nd Annual IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards)
now! Win awards in Best Male Artist, Best Female Artist, Best
Group/Duo, Folk, Alternative, etc. Overall Grand Prize worth over
US$6,600, which includes radio promotion to over 250 radio
stations in US and Canada. Winners will be heard on radio show:
Acoustic Cafe and XM Radio and featured on our CD compilation.
Last Chance to enter this year. Hurry to:
E d i t o r ' s M u s i n g s :
I have a really full issue for you today! Not only is there a
great new article from Donna Flynn about how to take care of your
voice, but there's also a new book review, a new Muse's Clues
from Irene Jackson, TONS of CD reviews, and a lot of new articles
that have been placed on the Muse's Muse site for your viewing
There are also a bunch of new music reviewers that have joined
the Muse's Muse team in the last little while. You can find out
more about each of them at
http://www.musesmuse.com/musicreviews.html . So if you thought
your CD just didn't fit into the genres being reviewed, I hope
you'll take another look.
As per usual, I'm always looking for new music for Radio Muse.
The 12th show will be put together in November and should be
online within the same month. I'm about halfway through planning
for the 13th show but there's still room and I'd love to hear
what you guys are up to. :) You can find more information on how
to submit music by visiting here:
Once more, if you're interested in receiving a raffle prize, feel
free to write to me and ask. (You never get anything unless you
ask, right?) I'll be happy to put you in the queue. :) But
remember! I typically give out the raffle prizes around the 20th
of the month. If you're not around during that time, you'll miss
your chance! Please answer your email as soon as you can, ok? I
can't tell you how many people have written to me only to be
unreachable when I let them know they're up for a prize. Thanks!
And without further ado, here are the raffle winners for this
* Beth Hancock from Williamson Iowa has won a copy of VSS's
songwriting organization product, Lyricist (for details and
information on a discount offered, see
* Jay Brehmer from Appleton, WI has won a copy of "The Art of
Music Production" by Richard James Burgess (reviewed below!).
* Angela Gilson-Reeves from Indianapolis, IN has won a copy of
the "Musician's Toolkit" (for details, see
Have a wonderful, inspirational month!
All the best,
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
(Purchasing this great product will help support both the
newsletter and the sponsor who helps keep this newsletter free!
Plus, you also get a great discount! :-) )
The best way to learn about writing it to write and what better
way to learn than under the mentorship of Berklee College of
Music songwriting instructors. Berkleemusic.com, the online
extension school of Berklee College of Music, offers a number of
instructor-led online songwriting courses that provide the tools,
the support, and the practice environment youll need to express
yourself more effectively in words and music. Berkleemusic also
offers forward-thinking business courses in music publishing,
legal aspects, and more for musicians that want to blend their
musical ability with business savvy.
Enrollment is also now open for their Winter Semester. For more
information visit:
M u s i c R e v i e w s : by Gian Fiero, Francesco Emmanuel,
JJ Biener, Brett Thompson,
Chip Withrow & Kevin Zarnett
JJ Biener:
* Andy Sloan
Chip Withrow:
* Karen Thurber
Brett Thompson:
* Shirtlifter
Kevin Zarnett:
* Kristilyn Robertson
Francesco Emmanuel:
* Sandro Albert
* Jack Ruby
Gian Fiero:
* Lisa Aschman
* Mardo
* Blue Sinatra
* Kai Brown
* Steve Northeast
* Dahrio
* Claudia DiNatale
* Sarah Glynn
* Catastrofiks
* The Moontrane Conductors
* Melanie Laine
* Heather Lauren
* Mike Steed
* M7 Committee
* Modern Minstrel Music
For bios on each of the reviewers, see
http://www.musesmuse.com/musicreviews.html . If you're
considering sending in your own CD for review, you can also view
that page to find out which reviewer reviews your genre. Thanks!
N e w A r t i s t S p o t l i g h t A d d i t i o n s :
Great music is only a click away!
Here is just one of the great CD's highlighted in the Artist
Spotlight section of The Muse's Muse at
Planet Muse - Genre: SINGER/SONGWRITER
A unique project put together by the close-knit community of the
Muse's Muse Message Boards. There are 17 tracks, each from very
talented songwriters, each with their own unique style. The
project was brought together with lots of teamwork, and digitally
mastered to produce a work of art that truly demonstrates the
creative spirit of our community. These are some great tunes in a
variety of different genres including rock, pop, folk and
to find more Singer/Songwriters
(And incidentally, there has been some talk of putting together a
second CD! If you're interested, drop by the message boards at
http://www.musesmuse.com/forums/index.php to join the community
and find out more about how you can get involved.)
S o n g w r i t i n g B o o k R e v i e w: by James Linderman
"The Art of Music Production" by Richard James Burgess
As a small project studio operator, I make songwriting demos and
provide pre-production materials for finished recordings.
I don't, therefore, think of myself as a producer like I would
think of George Martin or Quincy Jones. Still, my interest in
how finished recordings get made is absolutely voracious because
it not only impacts the work I do in my studio but it's just
plain cool stuff to know if you are a fan of well made
"The Art of Music Production" by Richard James Burgess is in its
3rd edition and it is one of those books about how records get
made that I just could not put down from the second I first
picked it up.
The introduction gives a brief overview of what the music
business looks like today and how it looked through the eyes of
the producer, with retrospect, in the past.
Since no two musicians would agree on how to define "music
production", the author dedicates the first two chapters to
describing the work of production and labeling the various kinds
or styles of producers you might find in the wide variety of
studios found around the world.
Chapter three is dedicated to explaining the work of production
itself and gives a great look into the day to day sights and
sounds associated with some of the typical session types.
The remainder of the book covers topics like finding production
work, relating to the artists you record, dealing with lawyers,
record companies, session players, engineers, and lots of
interesting views on the role technology has played in changing
the landscape of music production.
Near the end of the book there is a must read interview with
legendary producer Arif Mardin who worked on some of my favorite
Bette Midler recordings. This interview brings some really
wonderful perspective to the last half of the book.
The book ends with a handy glossary and a web addy to visit for
more info on producing and to read other interviews by the
The nuts and bolts of making a record, or the science behind
audio engineering is not what you will find in this book but
Richard James Burgess has packed it full of interesting
perspective and insightful quotes by industry professionals that
should keep you flipping the pages.
This book would best suit songwriters who are involved in making
their own recordings beyond just writing the cheque to the
studio. It also would be a great read for anyone who is thinking
that producing would be a rewarding addition to what they already
do as a musical artist.
You can grab yourself a copy of "The Art of Music Production" by
Richard James Burgess at http://www.burgessworldco.com/book.htm .
James Linderman lives and works at theharmonyhouse, a music
lesson, songwriting and recording pre-production facility in
Newmarket, Ontario. James writes songwriting articles and music
book reviews for The Muse's News, Canadian Musician Magazine,
Songwriters Magazine, and Professional Musician Magazine. His
writing is also featured in the James Linderman Wing of the
library at www.songu.com. James has a Canadian University and
American College education in music theory and composition and is
also pretty good at making up songs and playing the guitar.
Contact James at: theharmonyhouse@rogers.com
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
The Muse's Muse Songwriting Resource (online since 1995) now has
a section of Artist Spotlights at
http://www.musesmuse.com/artistspotlights.html where musicians
and songwriters of all genres can strut their stuff. Newly
spotlighted artists are also mentioned in this newsletter (see
above). Check out http://www.musesmuse.com/spotlightinfo.html for
more details!
M u s i c a l N o t e s : Songwriting Contests & Market Info.
In the interest of conserving space, I will be including only
changes to this listing in this newsletter. All other contests
and market information that have already been listed here, are
displayed at http://www.musesmuse.com/contests.html &
http://www.musesmuse.com/markets.html .
Please check there regularly for updates!
"Unisong" is the 1st International Song Contest created by
songwriters...for songwriters since 1997. Our writer friendly
contest is open to all amateur and professional songwriters
around the world. In fact we pride ourselves on both the personal
attention we offer from beginning to end, plus putting the "I" in
international with past entrants and winners from over 90
Countries worldwide, We also offer unique Grand Prizes unlike any
other contest. This year's Grand Prize winner gets a one week all
expenses paid international writing and performing retreat to
Ireland, Costa Rica, Iceland, Denmark, Spain, Big Sur, Sweden,
Crete, or New Zealand. In addition, were awarding over $60,000
in cash and great prize packages across 17 categories, including
debuting our first Performance category, judging both the
performance and song. Other highlights include our ever popular
critique option, a new People's Choice online award, entrant of
the month on our website, and a Discmakers/Unisong Winners
compilation promotional CD distributed throughout the industry.
We offer an Earlybird discount for all songs entered before
December 15th, 2005, as well as additional discounts for multiple
entries. In addition, all entrants in all categories will receive
a complimentary SongU.com self-paced course and a free 30 day
membership with Onlinegigs just for entering.
So visit our website for all the details, enter your songs, get a
few critiques and pack your bags with "Unisong"......your
passport to a musical planet!!!
Earlybird entry deadline: December 15th
2005 Regular entry deadline: March 15th, 2006
Festival Network Online has been providing performers and
artisans with extensive festival details for over 10 years all
over North America. Search for events using their zip code radius
search, search by application deadline, music genre, and more.
Gain access to promoters names, phone numbers, email addresses,
performers pay, and other festival data.
Muse's Muse visitors receive $5.00 off a Pro Membership to FNO!
For more information, visit:
Submit one or more of your original songs in any genre to the
FlightSafe Music QuickLaunch song contest for a chance to win up
to $1000, a featured position on flightsafemusic.com, and an
inside track to the film and television music business. All song
styles accepted, i.e. Rock, Modern Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop,
Electronic, Alternative, Country, Reggae, Latin, Jazz, R&B,
Island Music, etc.
· $1000 Cash Prize, 1st Place
· $250 Cash Prize, Runner Up
· Entry Deadline January 15, 2006.
Winners will be announced on the FlightSafe website.
Winners will also be personally notified. For more info and entry
forms please go to http://www.flightsafemusic.com/contest
SongU.com is pleased to make this special offer of a free
SongU.com course available to all Muse's News Readers (a $40
value). Come see for yourself why ASCAP says that the courses
offered by SongU.com "will undoubtedly help prepare songwriters
for any market no matter their place of residence" and NSAI says
we're the "next important evolution for serious songwriters."
To take your FREE SONGWRITING COURSE, simply go to the following
link: http://www.songu.com/suSponsor/musesmuse/ .
You can learn more about SongU.com courses, co-writing hookups,
industry connections and pitching by going to
http://www.songU.com?sa=3 .
Download Indie-Music.com's free and easy Copyright Kit. Print
Copyright forms, Copyright submission process, handy tips &
tricks, choosing the right form, and more.
Pete & Pat Luboff will pay for the phone call for Muse's Muse
songwriters who use the Luboffs' songwriting consultation
service. The service provides detailed, constructive song
analysis, answers to all your creative and business questions and
references to contacts when appropriate. Visit
http://www.writesongs.com/consults.htm for more information.
Ellen Silverstein Violette, Grammy-nominated Songwriter & CEO of
Create A Splash! e-marketing & writing strategies 4 success is
offering 15% discounts to Muse's Muse visitors on selected
services including all courses, web reviews, and some coaching
programs. Visit http://tinyurl.com/39yxa for information!
It's important for your website to be found once it's created. We
all know this. But who can afford the promotion a website needs
to truly make its mark on the web? Now YOU can. This package is
offered exclusively to Muse's Muse visitors only - and now
includes an Artist Spotlight listing! Do you have a website that
no one knows about? Do you want it to stand out from the crowd?
Now you can get it promoted for a fraction of the price most
search engine optimization packages would cost you. Visit
for more details.
M u s e ' s C l u e s : by Irene Jackson
©1998-2005 Moonstone Productions All Rights Reserved.
Used By Permission
I was at a baby shower not that long ago. One of the things we
were asked to do was to bring some items that reflected the day
or month or year, like magazines, newspapers, something trendy,
that could be put into a sort of "time capsule" for the girl to
open when she turned 18. What a great idea! And of course, I
decided to find a few of the top ten hits and put them on a
special CD so she could hear what kind of music was playing when
she was born.
Then I actually listened to the songs! Holy cow, has the music
kids listen to changed or what?? I couldn't believe some of the
lyrics. I remember when the last verse of Brown Eyed Girl didn't
get on the radio because of the line "making love in the green
grass"! Okay, maybe the song was a little long too, but radio
sure has changed. These days, it seems anything goes.
Which is the subject of this month's clues. Many of us spend a
lot of time thinking about whether or not our lyrics are getting
the point across. But how many of us have considered the weight
of responsibility that comes along with expressing certain things
to millions of people through our music, especially kids? I
guess we'd all love to have the opportunity in the first place.
But has some of it gone too far?
Back in February, Aaron Minsky wrote an article in MusicDish
called "What can we learn from Beyonces Bottom?"
(http://www.musicdish.com/mag/index.php3?id=10050), a provocative
title masking some serious concerns he had with the lyrics to a
song called "Soldier" by Destiny's Child. His main concern is
what we are encouraging our kids to think by popularizing sex and
violence through music. He obviously received a lot of response
to the first article, and as a result wrote a second one called
"Beyonce's Bottom Revisited"
(http://www.musicdish.com/mag/?id=10384). I think both articles
are well worth reading.
It's interesting to me to hear people's different interpretations
of lyrics. I remember watching an interview with Bernie Taupin
(Elton John's lyric writer) where the interviewer asked him about
the meaning of the lyrics to the song, "Daniel." There had been
much speculation over the years...was it about Viet Nam? Was it
about a gay relationship? The answer Bernie gave was
disappointing: "I don't know," he said. It was just something
that came out and he never had thought much about it afterwards.
I also remember singing along to songs when I was a teenager, not
really thinking much about what they meant. I could sing "Tin
soldiers and Nixon's coming...four dead in Ohio" but I can
honestly tell you that I never paid much attention to the meaning
of those lyrics until years later. Are kids really listening to
the message in the music, or does a lot of it get swallowed up by
production, music and effects? It's an age old issue. I wonder
about that little girl listening to those lyrics years from now
when she's 18. I hope she forgives me!
Irene Jackson is a performing songwriter from Victoria, BC in
Canada. Aside from writing, recording and performing, she also
maintains a website for songwriters that includes tips, articles
and a songwriter's messageboard.
Songwriting Tips: http://www.irenejackson.com/tips.html
Homepage: http://www.irenejackson.com
Songs: http://www.soundclick.com/irenejackson
F e a t u r e d A r t i c l e :
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME: Eliminate Throat Tension
- © 2005 by Donna Flynn
All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission
As a vocal coach I hear it all the time. "I love to sing but
when I do I get hoarse and need to shout to be heard after only a
few hours. Some days I just want to give up. What am I doing
wrong? What can I do about it?"
Sadly, this is an all too common problem for many singers. The
good news is that it is not your fault. Many people sing from a
place of passion without having the control to protect their
voice. We are encouraged to do so from other musicians, choir
leaders, friends, our audience etc. Oh yes, and because we love
to belt out our favorite tunes. It is no wonder we forget that
the voice is "our" instrument and that it is to be treated with
care and respect.
Some singers are born with a gift to sing but most need to
understand how the voice functions naturally and take
considerable care not to sing in a way that will limit their
What are you doing wrong, you ask? While you are probably doing
many things right, I suspect you have developed one or two bad
habits that are throwing everything off track. Let me explain.
The throat does only two things. One, it produces the tone that
differentiates one sound from another. This is what makes you
sound the way you do and me sound the way I do. Second, the
vocal cords vibrate creating a pitch. Slower vibrations occur
for lower tones with faster vibrations for the higher tones. If
we push too much air through the vocal cords to reach up to high
notes or sing louder then we are able to control, the vocal cords
slam together cutting off the sound. If done for an extended
period of time, the throat will get tired and sore. If done on
an ongoing basis, it will cause damage decreasing your ability to
sing. Many people who sing well in their 20's lose their voice
early in life because of this lack of information. Sounds
simple, doesn't it? That is because it is.
What can you do about it?
Singers have an enormous amount of fear when it comes to singing.
They worry about what people think so they inevitably put far too
much emphasis on the throat. This must stop. What you need to
realize is that only 25% of your voice comes from the gift you
have been given. 75% comes from understanding how the voice
works and how to bring out the best in your voice. Taking the
emphasis off the throat will eliminate the tension that cuts off
the sound we produce. Use proper breathing techniques to support
your singing, taking in only as much air needed to sing a phrase.
Remember, the voice has the ability to get stronger and better as
it matures rather then deteriorate.
From time to time, we all push our voices beyond their limits,
become ill, or need a little something to sooth the throat.
Please consider products without sugar or alcohol. They will
only dry the vocal cords. Herbal teas such as mint is very
soothing. Choose natural products and not products that only
have artificial flavors. They will not take the edge of an
already overused and tired throat. Drink lots of water 48 hours
before singing and more if you are ill. Avoid anything that will
coat or dry the vocal cords the day of singing such as dairy
products, greasy food, decaffeinated drinks, alcohol,
high-carbohydrate foods and smoking.
To wrap things up, what I am saying is please stop putting
emphasis on the throat when the throat has very little to do with
your singing ability. One last thing - relax, relax, relax.
Singing was meant to be enjoyed by you and your audience, so
don't take things too seriously. In time, with a little
practice, it will all fall into place. Trust that you are on the
right path and that you will reach your goals. It's really that
Donna began a journey of vocal training that connected her with
coaches in Nashville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, as well as the
Royal Conservatory in Toronto. She has developed a complete mind
/ body / spirit / voice method designed to access the energy from
the body to eliminate any pressure that may prohibit us from
singing our best. She combines yoga and tai chi breathing along
with specific exercises designed to building proper breath
support while gently working the entire vocal range, top to
bottom. Donna is a member of SOCAN. You can find out more about
her at her website: http://www.vocalcoach.ca .
" O N S I T E " F E A T U R E D A R T I C L E :
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: What licenses are required to make a
compilation CD of cover songs?
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: Could you tell me what classes I should take
to become an A&R rep?
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: Does the church need permission to use
copyrighted material?
By Jon L. Duman & Gian Fiero
Perseverance: the Key to the Doors of Success
By Mary Dawson
The Doors of Success in Music (or in Life) are 'Excellence' and
"Credibility.' You must be Excellent -- world-class in your
craft, and then, you must be Credible -- reliable, believable,
able to be depended upon to offer consistent excellence day in
and day out. Both doors have one 'skeleton key' called
Perseverance. In the first of her two-part series, Mary examines
this essential key in bringing you to the next level of your
music career.
The Great Contradiction
By Seth Milliner
Some mistakes I made with my writing, and my unfortunate,
insatiable desire for success in an industry that pivots upon
World Music in the New Millennium
By Jerry Flattum
Globalization--a term used more to describe the spread of Western
influence, particularly political and corporate--will continue to
bridge geographical borders in the coming years. Meanwhile, other
countries will continue to reach out to America...if not
compete...across the full spectrum of business, medicine,
technology, space exploration and cultural influence.
Globalization is in large part due to the Internet. And, the
Internet is where non-Western music will find new outlets
mainstream rock and pop channels currently block.
By Jerry Flattum
Like all styles of World Music, lyrics sung in English will help
Reggaeton reach a more mainstream audience.
C l a s s i f i e d s & U s e f u l S e r v i c e s :
The 2006 Great Lakes Songwriting Contest is now open to residents
of the eight Great Lakes states and the Province of Ontario.
Grand Prize is $1000 cash, with 12 additional prizes of gift
certificates, discounts on songwriting retreats, and publicity
and performance opportunities. The former Michigan Songwriting
Contest is now sponsored by Elderly Instruments and Lamb's
Retreat for Songwriters.
Deadline for entries: 3/31/06. More at www.GreatLakesSongs.com.
Lyricist is the first-of-its-kind word processor designed
specifically for musicians, songwriters, and poets. The software
includes a Rhyming Dictionary, Thesaurus, Album Categorization,
Chord Charting, Chord Generator, Song Arrangement, and On-Line
Copyright Link.
The new version 3 release adds support for "Piano Style" chord
symbols, Nashville Number System, and Transposition features -
all in one easy-to-use package - and all for only $44.95! (That's
$5.00 off to all Muse's News readers who purchase from the review
link at www.musesmuse.com/vss-review.html!)
This tool will revolutionize the way you write and organize your
writing. Be the best songwriter you can be and purchase Lyricist
today! http://www.musesmuse.com/vss-review.html
Artists: Why join Indie-Music.com? I-M has been spotlighting the
best in independent music since 1996, featuring Articles,
Interviews, Reviews, Charts, & Streaming Audio in all musical
styles. Member Artists receive generous promotion on the I-M
website (2.5 million+ hits per month) plus access to our famous
original DIY resources, which have helped numerous musicians book
thousands of dollars worth of work over the years. For a limited
time, new annual Members receive free Lyricist and TrackNotes
software value $69.95). There's never been a better time to join
The Indie Bible shows you where to get your music reviewed, your
songs played, and your CDs sold. Now in its Sixth Edition, The
Indie Bible has 316 pages of valuable contacts and music-related
The 6th Edition of the Indie Bible contains:
4200 publications around the world that will REVIEW your CD!
3400 radio stations around the world that will PLAY your songs!
600 vendors and services that will help you to SELL your music!
330 sites where you can UPLOAD your band's MP3 files!
500 helpful resources and sites where you can PROMOTE your band!
51 articles that will help your career to MOVE forward rapidly!
Listings include web, e-mail and physical address, as well as
phone and fax numbers.
For details and to order online visit:
An eBook About Copyright & Publishing
If you want to know how to protect yourself as a songwriter in
this digital age, you need this book - EXCLUSIVELY offered
through The Muse's Muse. And it's now on sale for half price!
Visit http://www.musesmuse.com/realarealq.html to learn more!
ADVERTISING RATES: For Classifieds: US$50 Max. 7 lines (though I
do make exceptions), where a line = 65 characters including
spaces and punctuation. All contracts must be prepaid. Write to:
For Newsletter Sponsorship rates and other advertising
opportunities, please see www.musesmuse.com/media.html
C o n t a c t I n f o & C r e d i t s :
Jodi Krangle <editor@musesmuse.com>..................... EDITOR
Kathryn Obenshain <kobensha@radford.edu>...GRACIOUS PROOFREADER
The Muse's News is a free monthly newsletter for and about
songwriters. Subscribers are welcome to recirculate or reprint
The Muse's News for nonprofit use as long as the appropriate
credit is given and the ENTIRE text of the newsletter is
included (including credits and information at the end of each
issue). Others should contact me at editor@musesmuse.com.
All articles copyrighted by their authors.
Back issues and other information will be available at:
The Muse's News is part of The Muse's Muse, a web resource for
songwriters: http://www.musesmuse.com/
For further information, send your e-mail to:
adinfo@musesmuse.com - How to place a classified ad, pass
on market information or sponsor
The Muse's News.
info@musesmuse.com - How to subscribe or end your
editor@musesmuse.com - To submit articles,reviews,ideas,etc.
SNAILMAIL: Please contact me first at editor@musesmuse.com
Back issues of the newsletter can be read at
http://www.topica.com/lists/musenews or in an archive at the
National Library of Canada ecollection:
If you want to unsubscribe (though I'll be sorry to see you go!)
click this link:
Or, if you'd like to update your profile (if you need to change
your email address), click here:
~~ T h e M u s e ' s N e w s ~~
An E-zine For And About Songwriters.
Issue 8.8 November 2005
I n T h i s I s s u e :
@-- Editor's Musings
@-- Music Reviews - by Gian Fiero, Francesco Emmanuel, JJ Biener,
Brett Thompson, Chip Withrow & Kevin Zarnett
@-- New Artist Spotlight Additions
@-- Songwriting Book Review - by James Linderman
@-- Musical Notes - Songwriting Contests & Market Info.
@-- Muse's Clues - Songwriting Web sites that inspire - brought
to you by singer/songwriter & teacher, Irene Jackson.
@-- Featured Article - SOUNDS GOOD TO ME: Eliminate Throat
Tension by Donna Flynn
@-- On Site Featured Article - An article already online for your
viewing pleasure.
@-- Classifieds & Useful Services
@-- Contact information
ISSN 1480-6975. Copyright 1998-2005 - Jodi Krangle.
For more contact information, see end of issue.
See http://www.cafepress.com/musesmuse for details. :)
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
(Many thanks to the sponsors that help support this newsletter!)
IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards) DEADLINE APPROACHING
Enter the 2nd Annual IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards)
now! Win awards in Best Male Artist, Best Female Artist, Best
Group/Duo, Folk, Alternative, etc. Overall Grand Prize worth over
US$6,600, which includes radio promotion to over 250 radio
stations in US and Canada. Winners will be heard on radio show:
Acoustic Cafe and XM Radio and featured on our CD compilation.
Last Chance to enter this year. Hurry to:
E d i t o r ' s M u s i n g s :
I have a really full issue for you today! Not only is there a
great new article from Donna Flynn about how to take care of your
voice, but there's also a new book review, a new Muse's Clues
from Irene Jackson, TONS of CD reviews, and a lot of new articles
that have been placed on the Muse's Muse site for your viewing
There are also a bunch of new music reviewers that have joined
the Muse's Muse team in the last little while. You can find out
more about each of them at
http://www.musesmuse.com/musicreviews.html . So if you thought
your CD just didn't fit into the genres being reviewed, I hope
you'll take another look.
As per usual, I'm always looking for new music for Radio Muse.
The 12th show will be put together in November and should be
online within the same month. I'm about halfway through planning
for the 13th show but there's still room and I'd love to hear
what you guys are up to. :) You can find more information on how
to submit music by visiting here:
Once more, if you're interested in receiving a raffle prize, feel
free to write to me and ask. (You never get anything unless you
ask, right?) I'll be happy to put you in the queue. :) But
remember! I typically give out the raffle prizes around the 20th
of the month. If you're not around during that time, you'll miss
your chance! Please answer your email as soon as you can, ok? I
can't tell you how many people have written to me only to be
unreachable when I let them know they're up for a prize. Thanks!
And without further ado, here are the raffle winners for this
* Beth Hancock from Williamson Iowa has won a copy of VSS's
songwriting organization product, Lyricist (for details and
information on a discount offered, see
* Jay Brehmer from Appleton, WI has won a copy of "The Art of
Music Production" by Richard James Burgess (reviewed below!).
* Angela Gilson-Reeves from Indianapolis, IN has won a copy of
the "Musician's Toolkit" (for details, see
Have a wonderful, inspirational month!
All the best,
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
(Purchasing this great product will help support both the
newsletter and the sponsor who helps keep this newsletter free!
Plus, you also get a great discount! :-) )
The best way to learn about writing it to write and what better
way to learn than under the mentorship of Berklee College of
Music songwriting instructors. Berkleemusic.com, the online
extension school of Berklee College of Music, offers a number of
instructor-led online songwriting courses that provide the tools,
the support, and the practice environment youll need to express
yourself more effectively in words and music. Berkleemusic also
offers forward-thinking business courses in music publishing,
legal aspects, and more for musicians that want to blend their
musical ability with business savvy.
Enrollment is also now open for their Winter Semester. For more
information visit:
M u s i c R e v i e w s : by Gian Fiero, Francesco Emmanuel,
JJ Biener, Brett Thompson,
Chip Withrow & Kevin Zarnett
JJ Biener:
* Andy Sloan
Chip Withrow:
* Karen Thurber
Brett Thompson:
* Shirtlifter
Kevin Zarnett:
* Kristilyn Robertson
Francesco Emmanuel:
* Sandro Albert
* Jack Ruby
Gian Fiero:
* Lisa Aschman
* Mardo
* Blue Sinatra
* Kai Brown
* Steve Northeast
* Dahrio
* Claudia DiNatale
* Sarah Glynn
* Catastrofiks
* The Moontrane Conductors
* Melanie Laine
* Heather Lauren
* Mike Steed
* M7 Committee
* Modern Minstrel Music
For bios on each of the reviewers, see
http://www.musesmuse.com/musicreviews.html . If you're
considering sending in your own CD for review, you can also view
that page to find out which reviewer reviews your genre. Thanks!
N e w A r t i s t S p o t l i g h t A d d i t i o n s :
Great music is only a click away!
Here is just one of the great CD's highlighted in the Artist
Spotlight section of The Muse's Muse at
Planet Muse - Genre: SINGER/SONGWRITER
A unique project put together by the close-knit community of the
Muse's Muse Message Boards. There are 17 tracks, each from very
talented songwriters, each with their own unique style. The
project was brought together with lots of teamwork, and digitally
mastered to produce a work of art that truly demonstrates the
creative spirit of our community. These are some great tunes in a
variety of different genres including rock, pop, folk and
to find more Singer/Songwriters
(And incidentally, there has been some talk of putting together a
second CD! If you're interested, drop by the message boards at
http://www.musesmuse.com/forums/index.php to join the community
and find out more about how you can get involved.)
S o n g w r i t i n g B o o k R e v i e w: by James Linderman
"The Art of Music Production" by Richard James Burgess
As a small project studio operator, I make songwriting demos and
provide pre-production materials for finished recordings.
I don't, therefore, think of myself as a producer like I would
think of George Martin or Quincy Jones. Still, my interest in
how finished recordings get made is absolutely voracious because
it not only impacts the work I do in my studio but it's just
plain cool stuff to know if you are a fan of well made
"The Art of Music Production" by Richard James Burgess is in its
3rd edition and it is one of those books about how records get
made that I just could not put down from the second I first
picked it up.
The introduction gives a brief overview of what the music
business looks like today and how it looked through the eyes of
the producer, with retrospect, in the past.
Since no two musicians would agree on how to define "music
production", the author dedicates the first two chapters to
describing the work of production and labeling the various kinds
or styles of producers you might find in the wide variety of
studios found around the world.
Chapter three is dedicated to explaining the work of production
itself and gives a great look into the day to day sights and
sounds associated with some of the typical session types.
The remainder of the book covers topics like finding production
work, relating to the artists you record, dealing with lawyers,
record companies, session players, engineers, and lots of
interesting views on the role technology has played in changing
the landscape of music production.
Near the end of the book there is a must read interview with
legendary producer Arif Mardin who worked on some of my favorite
Bette Midler recordings. This interview brings some really
wonderful perspective to the last half of the book.
The book ends with a handy glossary and a web addy to visit for
more info on producing and to read other interviews by the
The nuts and bolts of making a record, or the science behind
audio engineering is not what you will find in this book but
Richard James Burgess has packed it full of interesting
perspective and insightful quotes by industry professionals that
should keep you flipping the pages.
This book would best suit songwriters who are involved in making
their own recordings beyond just writing the cheque to the
studio. It also would be a great read for anyone who is thinking
that producing would be a rewarding addition to what they already
do as a musical artist.
You can grab yourself a copy of "The Art of Music Production" by
Richard James Burgess at http://www.burgessworldco.com/book.htm .
James Linderman lives and works at theharmonyhouse, a music
lesson, songwriting and recording pre-production facility in
Newmarket, Ontario. James writes songwriting articles and music
book reviews for The Muse's News, Canadian Musician Magazine,
Songwriters Magazine, and Professional Musician Magazine. His
writing is also featured in the James Linderman Wing of the
library at www.songu.com. James has a Canadian University and
American College education in music theory and composition and is
also pretty good at making up songs and playing the guitar.
Contact James at: theharmonyhouse@rogers.com
S p o n s o r M e s s a g e :
The Muse's Muse Songwriting Resource (online since 1995) now has
a section of Artist Spotlights at
http://www.musesmuse.com/artistspotlights.html where musicians
and songwriters of all genres can strut their stuff. Newly
spotlighted artists are also mentioned in this newsletter (see
above). Check out http://www.musesmuse.com/spotlightinfo.html for
more details!
M u s i c a l N o t e s : Songwriting Contests & Market Info.
In the interest of conserving space, I will be including only
changes to this listing in this newsletter. All other contests
and market information that have already been listed here, are
displayed at http://www.musesmuse.com/contests.html &
http://www.musesmuse.com/markets.html .
Please check there regularly for updates!
"Unisong" is the 1st International Song Contest created by
songwriters...for songwriters since 1997. Our writer friendly
contest is open to all amateur and professional songwriters
around the world. In fact we pride ourselves on both the personal
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international with past entrants and winners from over 90
Countries worldwide, We also offer unique Grand Prizes unlike any
other contest. This year's Grand Prize winner gets a one week all
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Crete, or New Zealand. In addition, were awarding over $60,000
in cash and great prize packages across 17 categories, including
debuting our first Performance category, judging both the
performance and song. Other highlights include our ever popular
critique option, a new People's Choice online award, entrant of
the month on our website, and a Discmakers/Unisong Winners
compilation promotional CD distributed throughout the industry.
We offer an Earlybird discount for all songs entered before
December 15th, 2005, as well as additional discounts for multiple
entries. In addition, all entrants in all categories will receive
a complimentary SongU.com self-paced course and a free 30 day
membership with Onlinegigs just for entering.
So visit our website for all the details, enter your songs, get a
few critiques and pack your bags with "Unisong"......your
passport to a musical planet!!!
Earlybird entry deadline: December 15th
2005 Regular entry deadline: March 15th, 2006
Festival Network Online has been providing performers and
artisans with extensive festival details for over 10 years all
over North America. Search for events using their zip code radius
search, search by application deadline, music genre, and more.
Gain access to promoters names, phone numbers, email addresses,
performers pay, and other festival data.
Muse's Muse visitors receive $5.00 off a Pro Membership to FNO!
For more information, visit:
Submit one or more of your original songs in any genre to the
FlightSafe Music QuickLaunch song contest for a chance to win up
to $1000, a featured position on flightsafemusic.com, and an
inside track to the film and television music business. All song
styles accepted, i.e. Rock, Modern Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop,
Electronic, Alternative, Country, Reggae, Latin, Jazz, R&B,
Island Music, etc.
· $1000 Cash Prize, 1st Place
· $250 Cash Prize, Runner Up
· Entry Deadline January 15, 2006.
Winners will be announced on the FlightSafe website.
Winners will also be personally notified. For more info and entry
forms please go to http://www.flightsafemusic.com/contest
SongU.com is pleased to make this special offer of a free
SongU.com course available to all Muse's News Readers (a $40
value). Come see for yourself why ASCAP says that the courses
offered by SongU.com "will undoubtedly help prepare songwriters
for any market no matter their place of residence" and NSAI says
we're the "next important evolution for serious songwriters."
To take your FREE SONGWRITING COURSE, simply go to the following
link: http://www.songu.com/suSponsor/musesmuse/ .
You can learn more about SongU.com courses, co-writing hookups,
industry connections and pitching by going to
http://www.songU.com?sa=3 .
Download Indie-Music.com's free and easy Copyright Kit. Print
Copyright forms, Copyright submission process, handy tips &
tricks, choosing the right form, and more.
Pete & Pat Luboff will pay for the phone call for Muse's Muse
songwriters who use the Luboffs' songwriting consultation
service. The service provides detailed, constructive song
analysis, answers to all your creative and business questions and
references to contacts when appropriate. Visit
http://www.writesongs.com/consults.htm for more information.
Ellen Silverstein Violette, Grammy-nominated Songwriter & CEO of
Create A Splash! e-marketing & writing strategies 4 success is
offering 15% discounts to Muse's Muse visitors on selected
services including all courses, web reviews, and some coaching
programs. Visit http://tinyurl.com/39yxa for information!
It's important for your website to be found once it's created. We
all know this. But who can afford the promotion a website needs
to truly make its mark on the web? Now YOU can. This package is
offered exclusively to Muse's Muse visitors only - and now
includes an Artist Spotlight listing! Do you have a website that
no one knows about? Do you want it to stand out from the crowd?
Now you can get it promoted for a fraction of the price most
search engine optimization packages would cost you. Visit
for more details.
M u s e ' s C l u e s : by Irene Jackson
©1998-2005 Moonstone Productions All Rights Reserved.
Used By Permission
I was at a baby shower not that long ago. One of the things we
were asked to do was to bring some items that reflected the day
or month or year, like magazines, newspapers, something trendy,
that could be put into a sort of "time capsule" for the girl to
open when she turned 18. What a great idea! And of course, I
decided to find a few of the top ten hits and put them on a
special CD so she could hear what kind of music was playing when
she was born.
Then I actually listened to the songs! Holy cow, has the music
kids listen to changed or what?? I couldn't believe some of the
lyrics. I remember when the last verse of Brown Eyed Girl didn't
get on the radio because of the line "making love in the green
grass"! Okay, maybe the song was a little long too, but radio
sure has changed. These days, it seems anything goes.
Which is the subject of this month's clues. Many of us spend a
lot of time thinking about whether or not our lyrics are getting
the point across. But how many of us have considered the weight
of responsibility that comes along with expressing certain things
to millions of people through our music, especially kids? I
guess we'd all love to have the opportunity in the first place.
But has some of it gone too far?
Back in February, Aaron Minsky wrote an article in MusicDish
called "What can we learn from Beyonces Bottom?"
(http://www.musicdish.com/mag/index.php3?id=10050), a provocative
title masking some serious concerns he had with the lyrics to a
song called "Soldier" by Destiny's Child. His main concern is
what we are encouraging our kids to think by popularizing sex and
violence through music. He obviously received a lot of response
to the first article, and as a result wrote a second one called
"Beyonce's Bottom Revisited"
(http://www.musicdish.com/mag/?id=10384). I think both articles
are well worth reading.
It's interesting to me to hear people's different interpretations
of lyrics. I remember watching an interview with Bernie Taupin
(Elton John's lyric writer) where the interviewer asked him about
the meaning of the lyrics to the song, "Daniel." There had been
much speculation over the years...was it about Viet Nam? Was it
about a gay relationship? The answer Bernie gave was
disappointing: "I don't know," he said. It was just something
that came out and he never had thought much about it afterwards.
I also remember singing along to songs when I was a teenager, not
really thinking much about what they meant. I could sing "Tin
soldiers and Nixon's coming...four dead in Ohio" but I can
honestly tell you that I never paid much attention to the meaning
of those lyrics until years later. Are kids really listening to
the message in the music, or does a lot of it get swallowed up by
production, music and effects? It's an age old issue. I wonder
about that little girl listening to those lyrics years from now
when she's 18. I hope she forgives me!
Irene Jackson is a performing songwriter from Victoria, BC in
Canada. Aside from writing, recording and performing, she also
maintains a website for songwriters that includes tips, articles
and a songwriter's messageboard.
Songwriting Tips: http://www.irenejackson.com/tips.html
Homepage: http://www.irenejackson.com
Songs: http://www.soundclick.com/irenejackson
F e a t u r e d A r t i c l e :
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME: Eliminate Throat Tension
- © 2005 by Donna Flynn
All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission
As a vocal coach I hear it all the time. "I love to sing but
when I do I get hoarse and need to shout to be heard after only a
few hours. Some days I just want to give up. What am I doing
wrong? What can I do about it?"
Sadly, this is an all too common problem for many singers. The
good news is that it is not your fault. Many people sing from a
place of passion without having the control to protect their
voice. We are encouraged to do so from other musicians, choir
leaders, friends, our audience etc. Oh yes, and because we love
to belt out our favorite tunes. It is no wonder we forget that
the voice is "our" instrument and that it is to be treated with
care and respect.
Some singers are born with a gift to sing but most need to
understand how the voice functions naturally and take
considerable care not to sing in a way that will limit their
What are you doing wrong, you ask? While you are probably doing
many things right, I suspect you have developed one or two bad
habits that are throwing everything off track. Let me explain.
The throat does only two things. One, it produces the tone that
differentiates one sound from another. This is what makes you
sound the way you do and me sound the way I do. Second, the
vocal cords vibrate creating a pitch. Slower vibrations occur
for lower tones with faster vibrations for the higher tones. If
we push too much air through the vocal cords to reach up to high
notes or sing louder then we are able to control, the vocal cords
slam together cutting off the sound. If done for an extended
period of time, the throat will get tired and sore. If done on
an ongoing basis, it will cause damage decreasing your ability to
sing. Many people who sing well in their 20's lose their voice
early in life because of this lack of information. Sounds
simple, doesn't it? That is because it is.
What can you do about it?
Singers have an enormous amount of fear when it comes to singing.
They worry about what people think so they inevitably put far too
much emphasis on the throat. This must stop. What you need to
realize is that only 25% of your voice comes from the gift you
have been given. 75% comes from understanding how the voice
works and how to bring out the best in your voice. Taking the
emphasis off the throat will eliminate the tension that cuts off
the sound we produce. Use proper breathing techniques to support
your singing, taking in only as much air needed to sing a phrase.
Remember, the voice has the ability to get stronger and better as
it matures rather then deteriorate.
From time to time, we all push our voices beyond their limits,
become ill, or need a little something to sooth the throat.
Please consider products without sugar or alcohol. They will
only dry the vocal cords. Herbal teas such as mint is very
soothing. Choose natural products and not products that only
have artificial flavors. They will not take the edge of an
already overused and tired throat. Drink lots of water 48 hours
before singing and more if you are ill. Avoid anything that will
coat or dry the vocal cords the day of singing such as dairy
products, greasy food, decaffeinated drinks, alcohol,
high-carbohydrate foods and smoking.
To wrap things up, what I am saying is please stop putting
emphasis on the throat when the throat has very little to do with
your singing ability. One last thing - relax, relax, relax.
Singing was meant to be enjoyed by you and your audience, so
don't take things too seriously. In time, with a little
practice, it will all fall into place. Trust that you are on the
right path and that you will reach your goals. It's really that
Donna began a journey of vocal training that connected her with
coaches in Nashville, Los Angeles, San Francisco, as well as the
Royal Conservatory in Toronto. She has developed a complete mind
/ body / spirit / voice method designed to access the energy from
the body to eliminate any pressure that may prohibit us from
singing our best. She combines yoga and tai chi breathing along
with specific exercises designed to building proper breath
support while gently working the entire vocal range, top to
bottom. Donna is a member of SOCAN. You can find out more about
her at her website: http://www.vocalcoach.ca .
" O N S I T E " F E A T U R E D A R T I C L E :
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: What licenses are required to make a
compilation CD of cover songs?
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: Could you tell me what classes I should take
to become an A&R rep?
MUSIC INDUSTRY Q&A: Does the church need permission to use
copyrighted material?
By Jon L. Duman & Gian Fiero
Perseverance: the Key to the Doors of Success
By Mary Dawson
The Doors of Success in Music (or in Life) are 'Excellence' and
"Credibility.' You must be Excellent -- world-class in your
craft, and then, you must be Credible -- reliable, believable,
able to be depended upon to offer consistent excellence day in
and day out. Both doors have one 'skeleton key' called
Perseverance. In the first of her two-part series, Mary examines
this essential key in bringing you to the next level of your
music career.
The Great Contradiction
By Seth Milliner
Some mistakes I made with my writing, and my unfortunate,
insatiable desire for success in an industry that pivots upon
World Music in the New Millennium
By Jerry Flattum
Globalization--a term used more to describe the spread of Western
influence, particularly political and corporate--will continue to
bridge geographical borders in the coming years. Meanwhile, other
countries will continue to reach out to America...if not
compete...across the full spectrum of business, medicine,
technology, space exploration and cultural influence.
Globalization is in large part due to the Internet. And, the
Internet is where non-Western music will find new outlets
mainstream rock and pop channels currently block.
By Jerry Flattum
Like all styles of World Music, lyrics sung in English will help
Reggaeton reach a more mainstream audience.
C l a s s i f i e d s & U s e f u l S e r v i c e s :
The 2006 Great Lakes Songwriting Contest is now open to residents
of the eight Great Lakes states and the Province of Ontario.
Grand Prize is $1000 cash, with 12 additional prizes of gift
certificates, discounts on songwriting retreats, and publicity
and performance opportunities. The former Michigan Songwriting
Contest is now sponsored by Elderly Instruments and Lamb's
Retreat for Songwriters.
Deadline for entries: 3/31/06. More at www.GreatLakesSongs.com.
Lyricist is the first-of-its-kind word processor designed
specifically for musicians, songwriters, and poets. The software
includes a Rhyming Dictionary, Thesaurus, Album Categorization,
Chord Charting, Chord Generator, Song Arrangement, and On-Line
Copyright Link.
The new version 3 release adds support for "Piano Style" chord
symbols, Nashville Number System, and Transposition features -
all in one easy-to-use package - and all for only $44.95! (That's
$5.00 off to all Muse's News readers who purchase from the review
link at www.musesmuse.com/vss-review.html!)
This tool will revolutionize the way you write and organize your
writing. Be the best songwriter you can be and purchase Lyricist
today! http://www.musesmuse.com/vss-review.html
Artists: Why join Indie-Music.com? I-M has been spotlighting the
best in independent music since 1996, featuring Articles,
Interviews, Reviews, Charts, & Streaming Audio in all musical
styles. Member Artists receive generous promotion on the I-M
website (2.5 million+ hits per month) plus access to our famous
original DIY resources, which have helped numerous musicians book
thousands of dollars worth of work over the years. For a limited
time, new annual Members receive free Lyricist and TrackNotes
software value $69.95). There's never been a better time to join
The Indie Bible shows you where to get your music reviewed, your
songs played, and your CDs sold. Now in its Sixth Edition, The
Indie Bible has 316 pages of valuable contacts and music-related
The 6th Edition of the Indie Bible contains:
4200 publications around the world that will REVIEW your CD!
3400 radio stations around the world that will PLAY your songs!
600 vendors and services that will help you to SELL your music!
330 sites where you can UPLOAD your band's MP3 files!
500 helpful resources and sites where you can PROMOTE your band!
51 articles that will help your career to MOVE forward rapidly!
Listings include web, e-mail and physical address, as well as
phone and fax numbers.
For details and to order online visit:
An eBook About Copyright & Publishing
If you want to know how to protect yourself as a songwriter in
this digital age, you need this book - EXCLUSIVELY offered
through The Muse's Muse. And it's now on sale for half price!
Visit http://www.musesmuse.com/realarealq.html to learn more!
ADVERTISING RATES: For Classifieds: US$50 Max. 7 lines (though I
do make exceptions), where a line = 65 characters including
spaces and punctuation. All contracts must be prepaid. Write to:
For Newsletter Sponsorship rates and other advertising
opportunities, please see www.musesmuse.com/media.html
C o n t a c t I n f o & C r e d i t s :
Jodi Krangle <editor@musesmuse.com>..................... EDITOR
Kathryn Obenshain <kobensha@radford.edu>...GRACIOUS PROOFREADER
The Muse's News is a free monthly newsletter for and about
songwriters. Subscribers are welcome to recirculate or reprint
The Muse's News for nonprofit use as long as the appropriate
credit is given and the ENTIRE text of the newsletter is
included (including credits and information at the end of each
issue). Others should contact me at editor@musesmuse.com.
All articles copyrighted by their authors.
Back issues and other information will be available at:
The Muse's News is part of The Muse's Muse, a web resource for
songwriters: http://www.musesmuse.com/
For further information, send your e-mail to:
adinfo@musesmuse.com - How to place a classified ad, pass
on market information or sponsor
The Muse's News.
info@musesmuse.com - How to subscribe or end your
editor@musesmuse.com - To submit articles,reviews,ideas,etc.
SNAILMAIL: Please contact me first at editor@musesmuse.com
Back issues of the newsletter can be read at
http://www.topica.com/lists/musenews or in an archive at the
National Library of Canada ecollection:
If you want to unsubscribe (though I'll be sorry to see you go!)
click this link:
Or, if you'd like to update your profile (if you need to change
your email address), click here:
Anonymous, at 7:15 PM
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Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
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