"...You can search at creativecommons.org for artists.
You can also go to archive.org and check out all the hundreds of netlabels there. I believe they are all creative commons artists, but you should check the respective sites to be certain.
(I'm also a fan of pulling samples out of public domain movies at
archive.org, and thus a huge fan of that site).
Other online sites, such as soundclick.com, purevolume.com, and maybe
even music.download.com also have a lot of independent musicians. There
are two warnings to come with these sites, though: You want to avoid cover
songs, and make sure you have permission to use the songs. Independent
can mean anything from "recording out of a garage with a $30 tape
recorder" to "Financed an album costing $10,000 (or more!) on our own and
are only here to promote it." You will absolutely want to make sure you
have permission from anything on those sites.
Soundclick does have a lot of artists who use the creative commons,
though. So, they're not a bad place to look as long as people know what to
avoid. (I use Soundclick, too. Today I'm #16 on the industrial charts there.
A lot of it was even made with T2. Woohoo!)..."
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